Sunday, May 29, 2005

visit to the big city

ok so not a bad trip to vancouver. On Saturday we experienced vancouver in all of its glory, walking on a hot sunny saturday afternoon around the stanley park seawall - really it blows the mind dunnit? It makes vancouverites forget what a miserable grey souless city they inhabit is for 9.5 months of the year.

went to "tangerine" near kits for breakfast, wow that is bad service, the waiter actually commented that my friend asking for lightly poached eggs was being too picky! She probably was, but that is neither here nor there! (boy it feels nice to be able to vent to the internet void, useless as it may be). Hours waiting to eat an overhyped meal amonsted the self-bronzing class. and wow are there mucho lululemons around that area of vancouver.

If i had the $$$ for a fancy website i would create an interactive map which showed the average lululemon density (ALD) for every area of vancouver and victoria. I know that women are happy that their butts look good in them, i know that they have colours which match your poodle's dye job, and i guess there are worse things they could be spending $ on, like botox and other viruses, but really!! They are spandex pants, no more no less. I asked my friend in mexico how much she would spend for spandex pants and she said '86 pesos Muchaco' then she said ariba ariba endile endile!- take that from and expert, only worth 10 dollars!!!!

ok now that i have offended a whole third of nafta, gnite internets,

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

day 2 - at the head

had the privaledge to visit William Head Institution today. what a beautiful place, to visit that is. its interesting that such a beautiful place - people are treated better than humanely, people are allowed to pursue meaningful work or study and better themselves, yet its still prison no matter how you slice it.

me and the pretty lady often talk about the non-difference between jail and the navy: you are confined to an area, you are deprived of companionship, your daily life is regimented and controlled by other people, and you dont feel you own your time. in the navy you get shore leave in prison you get day parole. The difference seems to be that in the army you get paid and they can kill you. kinda wierd.

maybe jail is a thing of the mind, would it be jail if you just left someone in a community but made them wear a jumpsuit?

why do we do that controlling movements thing anyways? it seems that the norm is to treat a prisioner like a child. isnt the reason we put them in there because they havent learned to behave like responsible adults?

another point which i would be negligent to leave out, listening right now to a cbc radio program (ideas) on the fetishism of indian stuff in germany, man that is wierd. I guess im not one to talk dating a beatiful frau named cheyenne. in germany its like a totally sexy thing, i dont think they have a clue what aborigional culture is like here. the culture here seems to be one of healing and support, not about how luck you are to get to do the dances. pretty F ' ed if you ask me.

ok then, gnite internets
peas out

Monday, May 23, 2005


ok so there were no fireworks, sorry to all those who i mislead today. Damn you cheap Victoria city council for making a fool of me. I think that the dawn and drew show has finally work out its novelty - it is just so frickin hard to catch up on all those past 50 shows. but really, everyone who has not checked it out should do so.

ok so the new idea in my head is this - some sort of clickable feature on google maps which links to a wiki site - the site would have comments on things "area hacks" like the best washroom in a public building in the area, audio clips of what the place sounds like, pictures taken there, tricks and free stuff. It could allow ratings and descriptions of commercial establishments and to stop the advertizers taking over you leave it open source like wiki and then the bizes have to work for your buck.

Gee I hope some brilliant coder reads this and runs with it. Get to it internet!

to bed
gnite internet

day 1

well, i guess that i am currently blogging! hrrrmm,

today my girlfriend who is the most beautiful ever took that damn PCL to vancouver again away from me. Is this the modern relationship, never in the same town, never putting work and life behind anything? the day is further lame because no one will go to the fireworks with me - even though I have the best spot to watch vic fireworks from!!! (but im not divulging).

well, goodnight internet.